‘Lost’ By Rami Khalife
'LOST' is a personal and contemporary approach to the piano. Its ultimate goal is to transform this old instrument into one of the future, mixing thousands of organic and synthetic sound bites.
‘On The Road’ by Yolla Khalife
Yolla Khalife and Nadi Lekol Nas would like to invite you to celebrate the release of Yolla Khalife's new album, entitled 'On The Road'.
“Lamma Tghibi” by Ahmad Kaabour
Conversation with Ahmad Kaabour, followed by the signing of his new album 'Lamma Tghibi'.
‘Lubnan’ by Lotfi Bouchnak
The Tunisian Star Lotfi Bouchnak, who held one of the greatest performances of the 2018 Beirut Spring Festival, is back in Beirut to sign his new album “Lubnan”.