Night with Omar El Zeenni Archives

Dar El-Nimer for Arts and Culture, in partnership with Nadi Lekol Nas with the support of AFAC (Arab Fund for Arts and  Culture), invites you for a tribute to the popular poet Omar El Zeenni. El Zeenni's songs and poems have left an imprint on Lebanese and Arab pop culture, which surpassed his life and is continuously revisited in contemporary arts and culture.


Film | 'A Salute to Omar El-Zeenni
Directed by Rana Al-Muallem | 2010 | 24min | Arabic without subtitles

Presentation | Dr. Wajih Fanous
Omar El-Zeenni between his time and the present

Presentation | El-Mukhtar Samir El-Zeenni (El- Zeenni Jr.)
Omar El-Zeenni's revolt for the nation and the people

Presentation | Majida Dagher
Cultural heritage and the memory of the future

Language: Arabic


Herbert Nassour, the People's Doctor by Josh Sabey


104 Wrinkles by Hady Zaccak