This documentary chronicles the daily life in the Palestinian village Nabi Saleh and its opposing Israeli settlement Halamish. Every Friday – for three years – the people from Nabi Saleh march through tear gas and rubber bullets towards the other side. The protests intensify, the tension rises week after week. During a demonstration on a Friday in December, Mustafa Tamimi, a young man from Nabi Saleh, gets shot to death. How do the people from Nabi Saleh and the Halamish settlement react? A year later, when the production was over, the filmmakers returned to organise a screening of the documentary in Nabi Saleh and the Halamish Settlement. The reactions from both sides were recorded and are included in the film.
The screening is followed by a Q&A with director Jan Beddegenoodts
Directed by Jan Beddegenoodts
2013 | 52min
Language: Arabic and English with English subtitles